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Hanro Shop offers the following secure payment methods:
Fast and accurate with your personal account.
Always safe online or with your mobile device.
Use Fast Checkout and your purchases are insured up to € 200,-.
Pay safely and in the comfort of your own bank.
Faster acceptance of your transactions, and better handling of your order.
Worldwide acceptance.
Fast, safe and quick. Direct handling of your order.
Click PayPal logo for more information and start using PayPal.
PayPal pays for your return postage.
Also to or from many other countries in Europe and Continents (with a maximum of € 30, -).
For more information, click on the banner.
Payments by credit card is possible via the secure services of Paypal or MultiSafepay.
Please contact us for questions about the use of credit cards.
Direct transfer from your bank account to the account of UC-MAN.
Note, the name of the account is UC-MAN
Bank transfers can slow orders slightly. You will be informed when payment is settled and shipping is started.
ING-account name: UC-MAN
IBAN: NL16INGB0005152566